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Saint Photini, The Samaritan Woman

About Saint Photini

St. Photini, also known as the Samaritan Woman, is celebrated for her encounter with Jesus Christ at Jacob’s Well, as recounted in the Gospel of John (John 4:4-26). This meeting transformed her into a fervent evangelist, spreading the message of Christ across Samaria and beyond. Venerated as a martyr and equal to the apostles in the Orthodox Church, St. Photini’s life exemplifies the transformative power of faith and the universality of Christ’s message.

Feast Day

March 20

Birth Place

Samaria, Jordan




Saint Photini, The Samaritan Woman

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Early Life and Education


Early Life and Education

St. Photini was born in Samaria, a region often marginalized by the Jews of her time. Little is known about her early life, but her encounter with Christ at Jacob’s Well marks a pivotal moment in her spiritual journey. She was living a life of sin and despair, as noted by Christ during their conversation. However, this meeting, where Christ revealed Himself as the Messiah, profoundly changed her. Photini’s heart was opened to the living water of Christ’s teachings, leading her to become one of His earliest and most dedicated followers.


Ecclesiastical Career

Following her conversion, St. Photini became a passionate evangelist, sharing the Good News with the people of Samaria and leading many to faith in Christ. According to tradition, she continued her missionary work after the Resurrection, traveling with her sons and sisters to various regions, including Carthage, where she boldly proclaimed the Gospel. Her commitment to spreading Christianity brought her to the attention of Emperor Nero, who subjected her and her family to severe persecution.

Ecclesiastical Career

Later Life and Canonization


Later Life and Canonization

St. Photini endured intense suffering under Nero’s persecution but remained steadfast in her faith. She is believed to have been martyred around 66 AD, after being thrown into a dry well where she gave up her spirit to God. Her unwavering faith and missionary zeal earned her the title “Equal-to-the-Apostles,” and she was quickly venerated as a saint in the early Church. Her feast day is celebrated on February 26 (March 20 in the Eastern Church).



St. Photini’s legacy is one of radical transformation and evangelistic fervor. Her encounter with Christ at the well symbolizes the breaking down of barriers—between Jews and Samaritans, men and women, the righteous and sinners—demonstrating the inclusivity of Christ’s message. Her title as “Equal-to-the-Apostles” highlights the significant role she played in spreading the Gospel, particularly among those often overlooked or rejected by society. St. Photini remains a powerful symbol of conversion, witness, and the transformative power of Christ.



Where are the relics of Saint Photini

The relics of St. Photini are believed to be enshrined in various locations across the Christian world. Some are housed in the Monastery of St. Photini in Samaria, near Jacob’s Well, where she first encountered Christ. Other relics are distributed among different Orthodox churches, where they are venerated by the faithful. Her relics serve as a reminder of her unwavering faith and the profound impact of her witness.
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