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Saint Boris I the Baptizer

About Saint Boris of Bulgaria

St. Boris I of Bulgaria, also known as Boris-Michael, was the ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire who led his nation to Christianity in the 9th century. His conversion and subsequent efforts to Christianize his people marked a pivotal moment in Bulgarian history, laying the foundation for the establishment of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. St. Boris is venerated as a saint in the Orthodox Church for his role in spreading the Christian faith and uniting the Bulgarian people under the banner of Orthodoxy.

Feast Day

May 2

Birth Place





May 2, 907
Saint Boris I the Baptizer

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Early Life and Education


Early Life and Education

Boris was born in the early 9th century, likely around 830 AD, into the ruling family of the First Bulgarian Empire. He succeeded his father, Presian I, as Khan of Bulgaria around 852 AD. During his early reign, Boris engaged in various military campaigns to expand and secure his kingdom, while also navigating the complex political landscape of the time, which included relations with both the Byzantine Empire and the Frankish Empire. His interest in Christianity grew through these interactions, especially influenced by the Byzantines.


Ecclesiastical Career

Boris’s pivotal moment came in 864 AD when he was baptized in the Christian faith, taking the name Michael after his godfather, Byzantine Emperor Michael III. Following his baptism, Boris undertook the monumental task of converting his people to Christianity. His efforts faced resistance from the pagan aristocracy, leading to a revolt, but Boris swiftly crushed the rebellion, establishing Christianity as the official religion of Bulgaria. He also worked to secure the autonomy of the Bulgarian Church, which was recognized by the Patriarchate of Constantinople, making it one of the earliest Slavic Orthodox Churches.

Ecclesiastical Career

Later Life and Canonization


Later Life and Canonization

In 889 AD, Boris abdicated the throne in favor of his son Vladimir and entered a monastery, demonstrating his deep commitment to the Christian faith. However, when Vladimir attempted to restore paganism, Boris emerged from monastic life to depose his son and place his younger son, Simeon, on the throne, ensuring Bulgaria remained Christian. After this, Boris returned to monastic life, where he spent his final years in prayer and penance. He passed away in 907 AD and was soon venerated as a saint for his role in Christianizing Bulgaria. His feast day is celebrated on May 2nd.



St. Boris I’s legacy is monumental in the history of Bulgaria and the Orthodox Church. His conversion to Christianity and his efforts to Christianize his people laid the foundation for the cultural and spiritual development of the Bulgarian nation. The establishment of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church under his rule was a significant event in the Christianization of the Slavic peoples. St. Boris is honored not only as the first Christian ruler of Bulgaria but also as a unifier of his people and a protector of the faith. His influence extended beyond his reign, shaping the religious and cultural identity of Bulgaria for centuries to come.



Where are the relics of Saint Boris

The relics of St. Boris I are believed to be enshrined in the Church of St. Boris in the town of Preslav, Bulgaria, where he retired to monastic life. His relics are venerated by the faithful, who seek his intercession for the preservation of the Orthodox faith. Other churches in Bulgaria dedicated to St. Boris also hold smaller relics and icons, reflecting his enduring significance in Bulgarian Orthodox tradition.
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